Born in Bristol, I followed in my dad's footsteps as a musician as a child, initially playing in a brass band with him in the early '80s. My dad was an accomplished keyboard player and has played in many covers’ bands throughout his life. I swiftly became interested in music especially rock when I was about 12yrs when I heard Queen and The Rolling Stones. I had piano lessons and then drum lessons before settling on the guitar. Despite my other musical instrument lessons, I never had a guitar lesson! Jonny lived a few doors down from me and in our late teens we would hang in pubs and hook up for guitar jams.
I started playing guitar in bands in 1991 and after a couple of years went on to be a part of a number of original rock, metal and thrash bands throughout the '90's and recorded some EPs with some of them and also videos and despite being promising, unfortunately none of them never got anywhere. When I discovered the blues I became a huge fan of people like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Walter Trout and Muddy Waters. I then became very busy playing in various covers bands doing lots of gigs over the years. I used to bump into Steve from time to time in pubs and at gigs but only saying hello and then finally I answered an ad he'd put on social media for a guitarist for Insult.
I have a wide range of musical tastes and will pretty much listen to anything, any genre. But ultimately, it's all about the metal! - and the buzz of playing live!